Sunday, October 30, 2011

Copenhagen Symphonic Flash Mob


1 comment:

Alex Britton said...

I think that this is a very wonderful thing for these musicians to do because of several reasons.

Many people have not experienced the sight of an orchestra or even attended a concert. This has caused many of the orchestra's, in America, to go bankrupt because of the lack of an audience that attends. By doing this "flash mob," the orchestra is purposefully putting them selves out into society so that they will watch no matter what; obviously it works because of the number of people who are standing around and watching them in the video.

It is hard for orchestra's to get crowds to come to their concerts because of the lack of advertisement to the general public. It is sad that it has taken the orchestra drastic measures, like the one shown in the video, to get people to watch them play. That is yet another cause for the arts to fall in school system.