Monday, August 29, 2011

Clarification on End of Course Exam Confusion

Apparently some school district websites have incorrectly reported how End of Course exams will be structured in Kentucky.

This from ReadyKentucky:
URGENT: Some of you have misinformation. End of Course tests are 3 sections each that count toward accountability: 2 mult choice sections (45 minutes each; 35-38 questions each) and one Constructed Response section of 1-3 questions requiring short or extended responses depending on subject. ACT typical Quality Core is DIFFERENT than KY.

Pass the word!!
My thanks and apologies to Robin. I thought I posted this last week but apparently haven't learned all of the mysteries of my fancy new phone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They need to stop worrying about end of course format and begin with trying to explain how we were all suppose to be teaching "common core" but the ACT folks are testing our kids on "quality core". Ethically, I don't see how we can potentially penalize kids grades as a result of an inability of the state to get the curriculum and assessments aligned.

By the way, last time I read the law, School Boards and Councils dealt with grading standards for individual districts and schools.

Finally, what happened to that contract the state signed with end of course vendor which included training. All I am getting is emails from the co-op telling me that teachers need to pay $500 for five days of training the should have gotten for free in the summer instead of during classtime when they are suppose to be teaching what the kids are going to be assessed on.

What a mess but at least the baseline will be so low that maybe we can demonstrate some progress next year after we find out what we are suppose to be teaching and after we have had a few of those $500 trainings that KDE folks can't facilitate for us.

Frustrating for teachers and not fair to students.