Friday, June 12, 2009

Obama Excuses 4th Grader From Class

This from WLUK Fox News 11:

Writes impromptu note for 10-year-old's teacher

GREEN BAY - Some of the people who saw President Barack Obama at a town hall meeting in Green Bay had a long day, hitting the road by 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning, to be ready and waiting for him at noon. But many say it was worth it.

John Corpus was the second person to ask President Obama a question and he got more than just an answer. Corpus explained to the president he was there with his 10-year-old daughter Kennedy, who was missing school.

The president offered to write a note excusing Kennedy from class.

While he answered her father's question about health care, he gave Kennedy a note, excusing her absence from her last day of fourth grade at Aldo Leopold Community
School in Green Bay.

"It says 'To Kennedy's teacher: Please excuse Kennedy's absence. She's with me. Barack Obama,' " said Kennedy.

Kennedy and her dad both thought the president was kidding when he asked to write a note, but now she has a priceless souvenir...

Hat Tip to KSBA.

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