Thursday, January 29, 2009

More ice ! The View from My Place

We lost power by 11:15, but the other side of the street had it.

With the dawn came the tree branches, falling like so many mortar shells. CRACK. Rustle. SMASH.

Following the major pruning our trees got in 2003; this time has not been quite as bad. It would seem that most of the weaker limbs came down the last time.

We may have been the last on our route to get mail Wednesday. I warned the mailman to watch out for falling limbs. Two minutes later he scampered out of the neighborhood after a big one pounded his truck.

Carolyn's place. Pretty as a picture. Hey, wait. It is a picture.

A late snow turned everything white.

But we still don't have power. Fortunately the UK library is open; but EKU's website is apparently down.

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