Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Stephen Colbert v Margaret Spellings Tonight

What happens when an irrestable personality runs into an immovable personality?

Of course, I'll be asleep by 10... but you can watch the trains wreck tonight on Colbert at 11:30 pm, on Comedy Central.

You may recall US Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings appeared on Comedy Central's Daily Show with John Stewart back in May 2007. She was the first Bush administration official to do so.

Unfortunately, Stewart lobbed softballs and appeared to want to avoid anything controversial.

He gave Spellings an apple, got out his #2 pencils and a Lunchable. Nothing about the Reading First scandal...scant little on the student loan scandal.

So the bar is set low. Let's hope Colbert clears it by a mile.

Thanks 2 Alexander Russo.

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