Friday, May 11, 2007

Erwin Resume Error #4 - Confirmed

The number of Erwin resume errors, typos and exaggerations continue to mount. Given the increasing number of mistakes, it is hard to conclude that her selection received the vetting a conscientious adult would give ... their child's babysitter.

Today's discovery involves this line on her resume:

"AASA Executive Board Member 1991-2001"

This claim is a 70% exaggeration of her real service. American Association of School Administrators official, Kathi Levin, said that Erwin was on the Executive Committee, as it is really called, from 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2002, a period of only three years - not ten years as Erwin claimed. This information was independently confirmed by the Bluegrass Institute and Kentucky School News and Commentary.

Levin said that her service on the executive committee was completely separate from her selection as the Texas nominee in the 1999 Superintendent of the Year process - and that other executive committee members had been selected for the same honor at other times. She saw no conflict.

The good news is yesterday's error, #3, was probably a real typo - so it only shows more evidence of careless disregard for accuracy, not necessarily mal-intent.

She claimed to be a member of Kappa Delta Phi fraternity, when she probably meant Kappa Delta Pi, the education honorary.

Folks, it's time to call upon our state board to exercise their contractual right to dismiss Erwin for cause while we are still within the 90-day period.
Photo by Trevor Frey

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